2019 Summer Newsletter

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Dear Volunteers,

Summer is with us! It was a slow start, especially with the spring we had (or didn’t). Please remember to follow the summer safety tips - hydration being the most important. As always, I’m very appreciative to all of you who continue to volunteer in the heat. The recipients of your volunteerism have needs that surpass the thermometer; so thank you for recognizing that.

I took spring cleaning to a whole new height; we sold our home of 35 years and moved into a 2-bedroom apartment. Talk about de-cluttering and downsizing in one fell swoop! Exciting, bittersweet and stressful are adjectives that come to mind. Yet another leg of this journey to begin!

Enjoy the lazy, crazy days of summer. Each season seems to get shorter so try to stay in the moment. I’ll see you at the luncheon. A tribute you all so deserve!



Summer Safety Tips
How to Stay Safe in the Sun

Use sunscreen. ALWAYS use sunscreen to protect your skin when you’re outdoors — even if it’s cloudy. Use an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 to 50 and apply it liberally. Be sure to reapply every couple hours, or sooner, if you’re in the water or perspiring. It’s never too late to start using sunscreen if you haven’t already been, so there’s really no excuse!

Drink plenty of water. Lemonade, soda, iced tea and coffee don’t count! While lemonade has a lot of water, it also has a lot of sugar in it — as does soda and often iced tea — and too much sugar can contribute to dehydration.

Dress appropriately. Light colors, light fabrics, loose clothing and layers are ideal. Dark colors absorb the sun’s hot rays, heavy fabrics can keep that heat in, tight clothing doesn’t allow your body to breathe — and layers allow you to keep warm in the cool mornings or evenings with little effort to keep you cool when the sun heats you up.

Don't overdo it. Work, play, and exercise more lightly than usual. And know the signs and symptoms of heat overexposure.

Protect yourself from bugs. Mosquitoes can cause a number of illnesses, including Zika Virus and West Nile Virus. Deep Woods Off Dry Insect Repellent is among the top five bug sprays to keep you safe.

Looking for a fun one-time volunteer experience. The Tanger Outlets in Riverhead and Deer Park will be sponsoring the Famous Food Festival 2019. The Famous Food Festival brings you new and well-known foods from all over the world created by ‘new to the scene’ and experienced chefs who are thrilled to showcase their creative, mouth-watering works of culinary art to the local community. Volunteers are needed Aug. 17 & 18 in Riverhead and Oct. 12 & 13 in Deer Park. Two 5 hour shifts are available each day. Help is needed with various tasks such as stuffing VIP bags, helping with set up, checking in attendees, and placing advertising material around the outlet center. You will receive food, T-Shirts and other festival swag. If interested in volunteering, go to famousfoodfestival.com/volunteer and fill out the form.