Summer 2013 Newsletter
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Summer, 2013 |
Good News!
RSVP is embarking in a new direction to see if adding an educational component will prove to be useful for enrolled RSVP volunteers. We are developing a series of workshops designed to expand your knowledge of essential senior issues, topics of concern affecting we mature adults in these changing times. I also encourage you to contact me with subjects you would be interested in seeing addressed at future workshops.
The 1 st RSVP workshop offering is a Driver Safety Course, offered by a certified NYS Insurance and Point Reduction Instructor. It will be held on ThursdayAugust 15 th from 9 a.m-3:30p.m. at Girl Scout Headquarters located on Moreland Road in Commack. RSVP will provide coffee and bagels during the ½ hour break. At the completion of the course you will receive a certificate for insurance purposes that can save you up to 10% on your auto insurance premiums and reduce up to 4 points on your driver’s license. RSVP volunteers are being offered this course for $12, which is half the price of other defensive driving classes, which range from $20-$25 a course. A bargain! The class holds a maximum of 40 participants, so send in your $12 check, made payable to RSVP, to reserve your spot in class as soon as possible. If we receive a larger response, a second class will be formed at a later date.
We have also enclosed a program brochure describing our free Telephone Reassurance Program (TR). RSVP has been operating the Telephone Reassurance Program for over 25 years. It is a daily phone call to a senior living in the community who would benefit from a friendly chat and a check on their well-being. With more adults remaining independent in the community, it gives a senior peace of mind that someone will be checking on them each morning Monday thru Friday. Currently, we call about 350 adults living throughout Suffolk County from three different phone banks located in Smithtown, Westhampton and Amagansett. If you know of a loved one, neighbor or elderly person who could benefit from Telephone Reassurance, please pass them this brochure. All the other programs of RSVP are also listed inside. Give a call to the Smithtown office with any questions.
njoy the warm weather and thanks for continuing to help your community organizations! They appreciate it, and so do we!
Pegi Orsino
Executive Director