Winter 2016-17 Newsletter

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Thoughts From the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

By the time you receive this newsletter, the 2016 Tribute Day Luncheon, held at Villa Lombardi’s in September, will be a fond memory. Pictures within will remind you of a great time with the Expo, delicious lunch, raffles, music and dancing. We are pleased to announce a new setting for next year’s Tribute Day Luncheon and Expo – Stonebridge Country Club in Smithtown. So please “Save the Date” – Wednesday September 13, 2017. Make sure your attendance sheet reflects your hours that you are diligently putting in at your sites.

In March, I’ll be sending surveys to volunteers who will be picked randomly from our roster as well as site satisfaction surveys. RSVP is your program, and we want to make sure that all your needs are being met in being a volunteer with us. So please answer honestly so that staff and I can continue to improve the project based on your suggestions and opinions.

Meanwhile all of you snowbirds have a great winter, while all of us “nesting” Long Islanders will keep the fires burning (for warmth and ambience) and a wish for all of us to be safe as we go into the winter.

A Happy Healthy New Year to all of you and your families!

Picture of a cardnial wearing a scarf Best,
Pegi Orsino's Signature
Pegi Orsino
Executive Director

You May Not Have Known!

Though many people think of RSVP as a volunteer organization matching people 55+ with rewarding volunteer positions at Not-For-Profits throughout Suffolk County, RSVP also maintains several of its own programs and services, all of which are FREE. As we begin this new year 2017, we ask you to read over what these programs offer. Perhaps you know of a family member or friend who could benefit from one of them. Maybe you might think of joining one of these programs as a volunteer. If not, please spread the word. Here is a brief summary of each of our programs and services:

  • Telephone Reassurance – Volunteers place daily phone calls to seniors living in the community to socialize and monitor their well being.
  • Living Healthy with Better Choices – The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and the Diabetes Self-Management Program provide 6- week workshops, taught by Master Trainers, where participants learn to control their conditions through nutrition, self-awareness, exercise, relaxation and peer support.
  • Community Computer Connections Program – Donated computers are refurbished under a Microsoft license by tech-savvy senior volunteers and installed in homes of financially-challenged seniors, families and individuals who cannot afford this technology.
  • Speakers Bureau – Trained volunteers present topics of interest to seniors at senior sites and libraries throughout Suffolk County.
  • Feelin’ Good Program – Trained volunteers assist at senior and nutrition centers with wellness discussion, exercise programs and general health education.
  • HIICAP (Health Insurance Information Counseling Assistance Program) – Trained volunteers provide guidance to those with questions involving Medicare. (Please read more about HIICAP in this newsletter.)

For more information, please call 631-979-9490 or visit our website at