2020 Winter Newsletter

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Winter 2020

Hi Volunteers,

I know you are receiving this after the holidays, and I do hope they were really great ones for you and your families and friends. Seems like just yesterday that in my last newsletter I was advising to stay cool and hydrate during the heat of the summer. Time does fly!

I’m very aware that this past month marked 15 years of being the director of this fine agency. It seems like a heartbeat ago that I took over the helm after the last executive director was 17 years in this position. I remember saying “well I’ll never stay that long!” Well almost! The saying “time goes fast when you are having a good time” really applies to my tenure here, and now the time has come for me to turn over my duties to a new director.

It has been a tremendous honor to work with the Board of Directors and RSVP staff every day and share our common goals and triumphs together. Most of all it has been an honor to work with you volunteers throughout the last decade and a half and be inspired by your gracious giving and energy. Thanks for being my inspiration and role models for what healthy aging and devotion to humanity look like. I wish you all the best of health and happiness going forward and ask that you act as an example for the “next new kid on the block.”

Thank you always!