Benefits of Volunteering

Learn more about volunteering with RSVP

  • You will receive the personal attention of an RSVP Program Coordinator to ensure that your needs, skills and desires are matched to a volunteer opportunity that will be enjoyable and meaningful to you.  After placement, on-going support is always available by phone from your Program Coordinator Mon. – Fri.
  • You will be joining a national network of Senior Corps, a division of the Corporation for National and Community Service.  RSVP operates throughout the United States and in 27 other countries; and RSVP Suffolk is one of the 35 RSVP projects in New York State.
  • While volunteering and traveling to and from your site, RSVP will provide supplemental personal and auto liability insurance in excess of your coverage as a “wrap-around” policy.
  • You will receive RSVP's newsletter, “Getting Things Done.” Issued twice a year, the newsletter is full of information about program happenings and senior issues.
  • Volunteers giving 50 hours of service yearly will be our guest at RSVP’s annual luncheon – a large gala celebrating our volunteers’ community service - fun, food, dancing, prizes – a good time for all who attend!
  • You will receive recognition to commemorate your service.
  • You’ll live longer and feel better!  According to recent studies completed at Johns Hopkins, seniors in volunteerism extended their lives by 2.4 years and they lost an average of 3.2 lbs. their first year of volunteer activity.
  • You'll gain new skills, insights into yourself, and make new social contacts while helping others in your community.

Why Volunteering Is...

Benefits of volunteering flier