Programs and Services

List of free services provided by RSVP.

HIICAP (Health Insurance Information CounselingAssistance Program)

HIICAP (Health Insurance Information Counseling Assistance Program)
View our HIICAP flyer!   

  • Trained volunteers provide guidance to those with questions involving Medicare. An Information Line (631) 979-9490 x18 is provided and counselors return calls in a timely manner.
  • If you prefer a face-to-face counseling session, you can call one of several libraries throughout Suffolk County and make an appointment with a HIICAP counselor.

HIICAP Schedules:
Living Healthy with Better Choices

Living Healthy with Better Choices - is a series of four programs related to senior health concerns, each providing a six-week workshop which includes information, instruction and exercise to enable participants to improve their health and well-being. These programs include:

  • The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP)
  • The Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP)
  • Tai Chi for Arthritis
  • A Matter of Balance

Programs and Services

Telephone Reassurance - Daily phone calls by senior volunteers to seniors living in the community to socialize and monitor their well being. An emergency backup procedure for each recipient saves lives!

If you would like more information about this program, please contact Debbie Mercer at or call 631-979-9490 x21. If you would like to submit a Client Enrollment Form for the program, please click here. If you have trouble accessing the client enrollment form, please use the editable pdf attached here.

Community Computer Connections Program

Community Computer Connections Program’s volunteers, under a Microsoft license, refurbish donated computers, add software, deliver and install these internet ready computers free of charge to low income people and veterans on Long Island.

View our CCCP flyer!   

Please click here for more information about the computer program.

Speakers' Bureau

Speakers' Bureau - Trained volunteers address senior health issues pertaining to The Power of Positive Thinking Through Visual Imagery, Senior Scams, Medicare Basics, Early Heart Attack Care, Stroke Awareness and Nutrition Education. The Speakers Bureau is available to present this information at senior sites, libraries, etc. in Suffolk County.

America Reads

America Reads - Literacy program developed for elementary age students who need assistance with their reading skills. Volunteers read with individual or small groups of students.


For more information about these programs,
call: (631) 979-9490